Redwind 3/4-2024

Double rewind, cause missed out on last week, and I want to mention at least that one damn long movie I finally saw. So, let’s get right to it!


Took only two sittings and I somehow watched through the whole of “Killings of the flower moon”, and oh my, what a ride that one is. Impressive performances all over the place, and surprisingly it never felt “to long”. Which is an achievement on it’s own, considering the 3+ hours runtime. Still, every minute worth it, this story simply takes a bit to get told and Scorsese clearly knows how to pull it off.

Also finished the first season of “Blue Eye Samurai”, and just as I expected from the start, it did indeed hold up until the end. Some fine plot twists, and overall really interesting cast and the only downside now will be the waiting time until the next season hits. I need to know how this continues!

As a treatment for the series hangover, I somehow ended up starting LOST all over again. Just for the 5th time now. Of course I did. It’s LOST. We’ll see if I watch through the whole thing again, or skip on a few episodes at least this time around. No clue exactly what it is about that show, but I just can’t get enough of it.


Nothing to specific, only that I’ve started playing “Kingdom Two Crowns” again. This time on the iPad / iPhone, since it’s for free in the Apple Arcade subscription anyway. And I gotta admit: After playing through the Switch version last year, it really helps a lot that this version DOESN’T drop below 10fps once there’s a few more units on screen. That alone motivated me to play through the other settings: I originally finished the main campaign, but right now I’m enjoying the Shogun variant. Somehow it’s all really just a reskin, but still appears fresh enough to feel worthwhile. Not sure if I will also have a spin on the other settings, since neither Dead Lands nor the Norse Lands look super interesting for myself, but we’ll see about it.

Real life

What a lovely coincidence it was that *just* for my birthday, somehow roughly 4000 people decided to show up.

To be fair, might also be cause it was a protest against fascism and maybe it also has to do with the fact that it was holocaust remembrance day over here in Germany – but anyway, I take it! Felt good to see so many getting up, despite the quite cold weather, and take a peaceful walk for a good cause.