Redwind week2/2024

Not that much went down this week, but at least two things stood out worth mentioning.


Felt a bit like digging around Bandcamp earlier this week, turns out that was a good idea: “The Alley” by Alley Dash was a lovely surprise!
What appears to be a ‘Best Of’ album hit a few spots for me. Some fine sampling and some fine beats, that’s all I really need to give a record more than just one spin. In this case, it came with some instant head-bopping and feet-tapping, so that certainly worked more than well. That it’s available at the lovely low price of “pay what you want” makes it a no-brainer if you’re into these kinda things.
Now I only need to find some time to dig through the rest of the releases from this one, I get the feeling there might be one or two more tunes in it for me.


Less of a surprise, since that recommendation came from Donswelt and we’re mostly on the same wavelength when it comes to the things we enjoy: “Blue Eye Samurai” on Netflix.
I got to admit: I can be quite picky when it comes to Anime. It’s often the art style, but especially the animation itself which often just doesn’t nail it for me. In this case, I can absolutely say: Stunning work!
Revenge stories are just my kinda thing and it’s no wonder that I’m now halfway through just within two days. But the animation is what really makes this one stand out. Such fluid fights are just a pure pleasure to watch, and trust me when I say: When it hits, you feel the impact of it. Few flying body parts and fluids on top of that (never too much), and this ends up being *just* the right mix for me. Also: For a side character Ringo is unlawful charming and I don’t think it’s possible to *not* like that guy.
I really can’t wait to dive back into it and finish the rest of this first season – and probably won’t mind in the end if there will be more of that show.