“Privately” Re-Release

As some may know, january of 2022 I released “Privately” on Bandcamp. Beside messing around with sounds and experimenting a bit here and there prior to this EP, this marked not only my very first public steps in making music, but it also changed something for me.

The amount of support and feedback (mostly positive!) was quite a bit overwhelming, but I got it – looked like this wasn’t “just another thing on the internet” I just do and then move on. Looked like music was there to stay, hu?

Followed up by an full Album then (Music Is Everything Is Music) summer the same year, and another EP (ASPHALT) shortly after, I then took it a bit more to streaming – only to take a major break and basically go full “radio silence” mode for quite a bit now. The reason? Working on a new album.

By now, I’ve been into “music production” for roughly about two years (minus the… let’s call it “20 years of bit practicing before”, shall we?) – and I took notes. I kept at it, I jammed, I composed, I arranged, I looped. I (actively!) listened to a whole lot of other great music, I exchanged with other fantastic, talented and likeminded souls. I tried to figure what makes “good songs” actually “good” – and how I could actually destill this “good” from of my own creations.

Suffice to say – keep doing something for two years straight and you *will* get better. Practice, it’s all about practice, practice, and even more practice.

While for some time it seemed like the original files for Privately might be lost for good, an recent update to my mainly used software to create music finally gave me access to these original edits again – and boy, NOW I was ready to take the sound where I always envisioned it, but lack of knowledge, routine and understanding for mastering prevented me to achieve just that.

So, here goes Privately once again, but this time as a fully “2023 Remastered” version.

Still up for as cheap as 1€ (or more, if you choose so), and with the original edits now as additional bonus tracks (feel free to compare!), I can say with much confidence:

Please enjoy – and look forward to my upcoming album “Just Few Things“. Soon, friends, soon.

This remaster sure should give you an idea on where I can take things now. I can’t wait for you to hear it!

PS: Last but not least – this can’t go without a least a few mentions. So, please do yourself a treat – check out the following artists, as they are not only what I’d consider friends and simply partners in crime, but also wildly talented people who helped me grow as an artist myself! Wouldn’t be where I’m at now if it wasn’t for all of them, so really – give it a shot, I’m sure here’s something in for everyones taste! Support your local artists today, ya’ll, and thank you for YOUR support as well!
As I’ve put it in the description to the now updated Privately EP myself: Each single digit here equals one person that cared – I am aware of that, and I do appreciate each and every one of you. ❤

  • Herr Kaschke:
    Not only a battlefield veteran which who I share lots (LOTS) of good memories with, spending endless evenings dominating (don’t mess with the MamaSquad) the playgrounds – if you do the sound design for international campaigns from Mercedes, Nivea and such, only to THEN decide to get back to “just working as a nurse and doing music for my own mental well-being”… then you’re not only one of the most talented sound creators I’ve ever had the chance to meet, but also a pillar of moral integrity. Kudos, friend, and have a banana.
    Mastodon: https://mastodon.social/@herrkaschke@mastodon.art
    “The Afterhour” (links to all platforms): https://herrkaschke.lnk.to/afterhour
  • Kenny Cree:
    Little did I know that once when I stumbled upon this little twitch channel where an then-just 14 years old was trying to give his best shot at some Slipknot (!) vocal covers (and delivered!), it would become one of the closest friendships I’ve ever experienced, built upon mutual respect and an endless will to admire each other for the sheer will to create and be passionate about it, while always keeping it fun! Cheers buddy – always got your back!
    “Afterglow” (Single): https://lightbl0om.bandcamp.com/track/afterglow
    “Walk Away” (The Red Mix)(…yes, I did actually have the pleasure :D): https://unsaintedrec.bandcamp.com/album/walk-away-the-red-mix
  • October Ember Music:
    Where even to start here. See, let me predict something – just try to catch them live on twitch (usually 2-3 evenings a week!), and then just say the following in chat: “Hi, got here from Red’s blog”. You’ll be adopted in less then 10 seconds straight, and if you don’t sub yourself you’ll most likely receive a gift sub shortly after *and* you’ll be sucked in an endless swirl of positivity and kindness. It’s just how they roll. The whole community. Oh, they also actually teach music. Did I mention I learned quite a bit here and there? Go figure. Crazy talented couple (“…and best friends, high five!”) and just all around lovely folks to hang out with, always. I mean that.
    Latest release “Desert (Live & Extended)”: https://octoberember.bandcamp.com/track/desert-live-extended
    Twitch Stream: https://www.twitch.tv/octoberembermusic
  • Dan Tranbley:
    Let me tell you about Dan. Reverb. But with some extra Reverb. Actually, put some more to it. Yea, that’s more like it. Make it a proper “Danverb”. Beside the constant shoutouts to Hans Zimmer – if anyone, than it’s really down to this lovely madman that I’ve tried to implement a more improvised live-looping-like approach to my own process of creating music and thus, learned to really widen my sound (literally, this fucker puts some real depths in his compositions, give that epic sounds he creates a listen over some decent headphones!). And always put some reverb on your reverb. There’s never enough reverb. Reverrrrrrrrbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb.
    “Glacial Drift” (Album): https://dantremblay.bandcamp.com/album/glacial-drift
    Twitch Stream: https://www.twitch.tv/dantremblaymusic
  • TotoRobyn:
    What Dan’s to Reverb, that’s Toto to “MORE DRUMS!”. Rythmic patterns like nowhere else to be heard of is what keeps my head boppin’ all the time when I’m able to catch her live, and that comes not only always with a big smile – but also with swords. For that, best check her out yourself and just ask when she’s live on Twitch. I promise – no other channel offers you such sharp entertainment.
    “Echoes of Dreamscapes” (Album): https://totorobyn.bandcamp.com/album/echoes-of-dreamscapes
    Twitch Stream: https://www.twitch.tv/totorobyn
  • Dj Alex The Roo:
    Alex, dear Alex. Can I just recommend someone for simply having a hard crush on him? To be fair – I’ve yet to met anyone to not instantly develop a crush on that one. Goofy, always friendly, always fun to hang out with, yet thoughtful, caring and highly emphatic – suffice to say I like this one being quite a bit, mmh? Not only one of my best friends – but also one of the few where I feel we “speak” the same language when it comes to creating music. Rarely ever have I found one like him where we just throw mutual inspiration at each other once we start collabing, it’s otherworldly.
    “Party Hard” (Single): https://fkaalex.bandcamp.com/track/party-hard
    Twitch Stream: https://www.twitch.tv/djalextheroo
  • Kristoffer Lislegard:
    A fairly new followed artist, but instantly became one of the most interesting ones! Deep into synthesis, there’s just SO much to explore here: Live session in the snow, live session in shut down library, synthesis meets tap dance? I mean, come on! A kind soul indeed, and just like me obviously interested in what everyone else might be up to – “music production” IS teamwork, we’re all in this together!
    Mastodon: https://mastodon.social/deck/@lislegaard@sonomu.club
    “Floating Body / Dividing Mind”: https://kristofferlislegaard.bandcamp.com/album/floating-body-diving-mind